thoughts upon waking


We are still talking.

And sometimes I count you in my blessings.

This morning I woke with a familiar regret,

If I had not left Melbourne in the first place,

Would life be better now?

I stopped to think about this.

And realised ‘what’s not to love?’

Going to the coast was distressing, lonely and messy at times,

But it instilled an entrepreneurial spirit that wasn’t in me before.

And I got the best psychologist IN THE WORLD to get me on the right track.

I found my way to Collingwood/Fitzroy,

And out of Brunswick.

And I have a Turtle in my life.

Also a combination of careers that I love.

Some kind of purposeful life!

It can be better, I will still grow.

Maybe I would be closer to some of my old friends,

If I had stayed in Melbourne in 2005.

I guess I feel like things got all shaken up.

And I am happy where I have landed,

For the most part.

**Not to mention that I am not addicted to anything now (beyond the internet, and who isn’t!)**

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