no thanks

Even though I haven’t seen anything this weekend that fits with your normal pattern of behaviour,

I could hazard a guess that what I have seen is your way of telling me that yes, you do have a girlfriend.

I do appreciate the honesty. It is very admirable.

However, the fact that I don’t really know, is half of the problem.

It is very difficult to have a conversation with someone who doesn’t want to communicate with me.

Perhaps it is your way of justifying your behaviour towards her.

And sorry, but if I am honest too, I have feelings for you.

I am not going to wait around for you to be ready to talk to me.

I don’t actually want to be with someone who would do this to his girlfriend anyway.

You had no business coming sniffing around my spaces when you were involved with someone else.

It is just a shitty way to behave.

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