Woo woo energy

Do you believe all that woo woo about people’s energy?

I am actually starting to think that there is something in it.

Last weekend when I was out with my friends at the gallery there was someone there who was just so incredibly negative. And consistently so.

I was feeling intolerant in the best conversations on that evening. And after a few stories, I just made an excuse and left. Life is too short. And her energy was dragging me down, down, down.

Since then I have noticed a couple of other people’s ‘energy’, and I feel like it does have an impact.

This afternoon, I have a little spare time, and I am wondering what to do with it. I thought about sitting down to nut out this aim for financial independence. But to be honest, I feel like doing that will lower my energy rather than raise it.

What kinds of things will raise my energy vibration? Learning something new, creating a nice piece of art. **GOTCHA!! I know exactly what to do with my spare time this afternoon!!


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