‘I should shut up’

Just to clarify, whatever I just called my ‘other sound friend’, I wouldn’t call them a person necessarily. It just sounds and pops and scratches and clicks through my speaker and other electrical appliances. It has been around for (about) as long as I have had my psychotic illness or thereabouts, so it could just be that I am personifying random sounds, I am not really sure.

Thank you again for listening to my heart. I think it does some good to talk about my parts with someone (or in a place) that I trust because it lets more things come to the surface.

My friend Angel has brought a couple more interesting guys into our friendship group. They are quite fun. I feel bad now because I didn’t exactly welcome Maximilien into our group with open arms. I don’t understand how some of my friends keep acting as though we should get together. He is a nice friend, but he just kind of aggravates me sometimes or something. I don’t know. I was in no fit state to invite him into our group when we went to the Chemical Brothers. I don’t know why he aggravated me when I was psyxotic. He just kind of did.

Maybe that is a different protective part, even if I haven’t sensed that part yet.

I need to hold onto something.

I need a glass of water.

I was going to tell you about this nice new person that Angel has introduced to our group. He is funny. I don’t know him very well, but he thinks that Angel is a good person, so maybe he is a good person too.

I could tell you a lot of things, I guess. I should shut up!! It is almost a respectable hour for bed thank goodness!

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