twilight zone

I don’t feel like you have any desire to take care of me, or my feelings.

I don’t think you care about how I feel at all.

But yeah, I am trapped right now.

So, this is the twilight zone.

All my opening up,

All my vulnerability.… Read the rest

not so strong today

I am not going to pretend that I am going to be able to leave today.

I have tried so many times. And I get weaker every time I fail.

Maybe this time I won’t get caught up in the toxic electronic candy,

But I doubt it.… Read the rest

is it because you hate me?

Quick question – why did you come back yesterday (or the day before) if you knew that I didn’t want to continue doing this with you when you are clearly in a relationship with someone else?

Do you hate me that much?… Read the rest

is it worth it?

I need to think about how I could be best using my energy. And I need to think about the long-term repercussions.

I do enjoy my evenings so much more when I am not hooked by this ‘Turtle story’. It is fun to talk to men, go down research rabbit holes, and work on a new creative project.… Read the rest

a weekend to respond

I feel like you have had more than enough time to say something to deny this.

It starts to make more sense the more I think about it.

Not talking to me, just reading and reacting to my words on the internet probably makes you feel better,

Like you aren’t cheating on your girlfriend.… Read the rest

no thanks

Even though I haven’t seen anything this weekend that fits with your normal pattern of behaviour,

I could hazard a guess that what I have seen is your way of telling me that yes, you do have a girlfriend.

I do appreciate the honesty.… Read the rest