a little bit

Should I open my teary, aching soul and trust you enough to share something small from my heart?

Maybe it wouldn’t hurt.

Some of the people in my life are showing me the truth of their character.

I must have grown because I have never noticed these things before.… Read the rest

new rules

It is the strangest thing,

The calm.

All the octane has exited stage left.

Now, I am standing on a line between ‘maybe you care’ and ‘I don’t want to let you in’.… Read the rest

is it worth it?

I need to think about how I could be best using my energy. And I need to think about the long-term repercussions.

I do enjoy my evenings so much more when I am not hooked by this ‘Turtle story’. It is fun to talk to men, go down research rabbit holes, and work on a new creative project.… Read the rest

safe to assume, perhaps

Good morning,

I think you would have usually answered my question by now,

Unless you are saying that you have someone in your corner?

So, maybe I should assume that you do have a girlfriend.

Thanks for being honest with me, if that is the case.… Read the rest

that old chesnut

I feel sad.

There is something about this setup that makes me want to talk to you,

But you are off doing something else,

Probably something more important to you.

And it hurts.

Also, I think I may be a FOOL.… Read the rest