in small doses

I could read back, I guess.

I am loath to do so,

Based on the absolute hell that my morning was,

Due to reading and reflecting on that chapter of my blog,

Last night.

The biggest mistake I ever made,

(And I did this a few times),

Was assuming that I knew what you thought, or felt,

Or what you were doing.… Read the rest


The world feels a little stranger,

For having seen something so raw,

Come from my soul.

The sensory memory of ‘place’,

Brightens these moments.

A different view.… Read the rest

reality senses

I feel the REALITY of this situation,

In my body.

It is a disgusting kind of sickness.


It feels so real.

I love coming home to my body.

This is the sickening reality,

Of this business.… Read the rest

More of it

Then the dam bursts,

And I want to talk.

Such a strange feeling,

To go back out into the world.

I feel it in my body,

The difference between playing in a virtual world,

And a real one.… Read the rest

the upshot

At least I am not waiting around,

For the least amount of effort.

My home feels better for it.

My heart feels better for it.

Thank goodness I am beginning to feel anger,

The tiniest hint of it.

So much to be grateful for,

And EFF THIS SHIZ!!… Read the rest


There is a cross purpose here,

Because if I felt something like ‘love’ for you,

Then perhaps I wouldn’t open the curtain to my soul,

And let you see all of my working out.

But this is the effing internet,

And so, I don’t have any sunglasses.… Read the rest