the sorrows of work

Climbing back into bed,

For the 7th time this morning,

Sleep dulls the pain,

Of starting again.

A new work endeavour,

That will just get broken when my mind flies away.

Why bother even starting?

100 careers and counting.… Read the rest

the bits that can stay

The parts that sparkle to me,

In all these years of words,

Are the ones that speak poetically,

Of some observation of the senses.

Sometimes emotional heartbreak

can be articulated in that way,

It doesn’t feel like my true purpose, though,

To talk about love.… Read the rest

stretching time

I am experiencing one of the nicer consequences of dopamine withdrawal.

It is a languid kind of stretching of the afternoon.

Want to savour each moment, want to stay with it, and let it be still around me.

No need to rush, or push.… Read the rest

Soothing the grind

When my mind feels like a grind,

Perhaps some words will soak in,

And soothe or stretch this malady.

The grind inside is overstimulated perhaps.

What I want is to climb into bed with someone,

And wrap my body in theirs.… Read the rest

on heartbreak

Climb into a hug today,

I need someone’s arms around me.

Put my head on your bare chest,

And feel the solid realness of our bodies.

The heartbreak sits in my stomach,

Like a knot of anxious pain.

Want to get out and explore,

But the pain asks me to be quiet and gentle today.… Read the rest

truth and beauty

The gentle exhaustion of a memory of sadness,

Balances a little heavily on my soul.

Its weight tells me the story,

Of how this space can hurt.

And yet, I have a seemingly indefatigable urge,

To be vulnerable tonight.

And show something of my soul,

Or make something that I consider beautiful.… Read the rest