a soak for my mind

Yes!! Happy Friday!! It’s the weekend!!!!

My head is minced, hehe – like garlic, hehe.

I need beer. It is the only way I will get out with my friends tonight. Haha.

I was so glad that my support client cancelled this afternoon.… Read the rest

when all is well

helloooooo 🙂 I hope you are having a fun day. I am. It is often so social at Rapper’s place and their music is really coming along.
thanks for thinking of me. I have been thinking of you too. This enduring fizz that I feel in my soul because of you is so nice.… Read the rest

cold morning wishes

Good morning 🙂

It would feel weird not to say hello to you this morning. I hope that is okay! 🙂

How did you sleep?

My subconscious had a list of things that it wanted to have out with me before morning came, hehe.… Read the rest

Quiet music

Oooch!! I don’t know how I am going to be able to sleep, Mr Turtle. I did not expect to be having such an interesting conversation so late in the evening.

I should turn off the upbeat music. That would be a good start.… Read the rest

giving me ideas

Thank you for thinking of me.

I guess that is all I can really say about it.

It probably takes less than a couple of seconds of your time to visit my world,

But it inspires me to write,

Which I enjoy.… Read the rest

Woo woo energy

Do you believe all that woo woo about people’s energy?

I am actually starting to think that there is something in it.

Last weekend when I was out with my friends at the gallery there was someone there who was just so incredibly negative.… Read the rest

working lyf

Would you be open to hearing about my day?

The second cooking job fell through. And I am quite glad that it did. I think that it was going to be a stretch time-wise – three nights of working into the evening.… Read the rest

stretching time

I am experiencing one of the nicer consequences of dopamine withdrawal.

It is a languid kind of stretching of the afternoon.

Want to savour each moment, want to stay with it, and let it be still around me.

No need to rush, or push.… Read the rest

a little bit

Should I open my teary, aching soul and trust you enough to share something small from my heart?

Maybe it wouldn’t hurt.

Some of the people in my life are showing me the truth of their character.

I must have grown because I have never noticed these things before.… Read the rest